Treatment of diseases in Ayurveda is broadly
of two types, Pancha Karmam and Shamanam.
Pancha Karmam or five fold line of treatment
means purification of the body through Vamanam (emesis) Virechanam
(purgation) Basti (enema) Nasyam (Nasal medication) and Raktha moksha
(blood letting). It is also called Shodhanam.
Shamanam means subsidence of disease
and symptoms by Kshut (fasting) Trit nigraham (restriction of fluids)
Vyayamam (exercise) Atapaseva (sun rays) Maruta seva (breeze of air)
etc. and intake of medicines. |
Pancha Karmam
Purify your chest and stomach by inducing
medical emesis.
Purifying your entire body along with
lower alimentary system by the medicine taken orally.
Vasthi is the procedure by which medicine
is applied through rectum. It is a good remedy for Arthritis and Paralysis
and many other diseases.
Nasyam is the treatment for illness of
head and neck. Here medicated oil, ghee or herbal juices are dropped
in each nostril. It is beneficial for Nasal cleaning. Head aches, Migraine,
Cervical spondylosis, Facial palsy etc.
Raktha Moksham
This is the process to drain the impure
blood. It is a cure for skin eruptions, psoriasis, etc. |
Special treatments in Kerala of Ayurveda |
Shiro Dhara
Pouring of Medicated oil over the forehead
is called Shiro dhara. This is highly beneficial in Head ache, Mental
tension, Insomnia, Stress and Disorders of Central nervous system etc.
Dhara to the body is pouring of medicated oil on the body and it is
beneficial for many neuromuscular conditions and Rheumatism and general
Here lukewarm oil is poured in the body
by squeezing cotton cloth soaked in the oil. This is highly effective
for Spondylosis, Hemiplegia, and Arthritis. It is immensely rejuvenative.
Navarkkizhi is the massage using cooked
Navara rice in a cotton cloth bundle. It is highly rejuvenative and
especially useful in emaciated conditions like muscular degeneration
associated with neuromuscular disorders, rheumatism, burning sensation
of body etc.
Medicated oil is poured over a leather
cap kept on the head. This is effective for headache, hair falling,
burning sensation and other diseases of ear, nose and throat.
The massage done with medicinal leaves
or powdered medicines kept in a cloth bag. This is useful in many Musculo-skeletal
disorders, degenerative conditions and neurological problems. It improves
circulation and restores energy and vigour.
It is very much essential to do preparatory treatments before doing
Pancha Karmam.
Snehanam - Here medicated fat materials are taken
internally and externally in a
systematic way.
Swedanam - Inducing sweating in the whole body by different
methods. |
Instructions to be followed during treatment
During the period of treatment or the existence of
disease, Ayurveda advises total physical and mental rest to enable
quick recovery. This is described in the form of several restrictions
and a very strict diet alongwith a regimented lifestyle. It is veryimportant
that this is followed strictly as instructed by the physician.
The ayurvedic texts say that the patient
who has undergone Pancha karma (purificatory therapies) will be physically
weak with a poor appetite. Hence one should be given proper care with
due precautions against hazards.
Usage of warm water for all activities (washing, abolition,
bath, drinking etc.)
- Maintenance of celibacy
- Keeping the senses under control and avoiding desires, reading,
writing and any
activity, which strains the sense
organs and mind.
- Allowing the natural urges of the body like passage of flatus,
urine, bowel movement, sneezing etc.
- No exercise
- Resisting anger, gloom, depression
- Remaining away from cold, sun or wind
- Restricted movement of the body
- Minimum and mild speech
- Avoiding prolonged static posture
- Not keeping a very low or a very high pillow under the head
- Abstaining from sleep during daytime
- Using footwear at all times so that the feet does not come in direct
contact with the bare ground
This regimen is the same generally for all therapies
and also for all those who are afflicted with disease.
You can check with the physician whether
all the above restrictions are required for you or whether some of
them can be relaxed for you, based on your condition. |
Even a whiff of this treasure, reaps great dividends.
If you do not have time to take a plunge, atleast taste the essence.
Our Short-duration programmes convince you through
nuggets of short therapies about the worth of Ayurveda.
Owing fidelity to the authentic texts, these
treatments, if adopted in daily life ensures greater life-long immunity
against disease.
The following are a host of programmes to choose
from. Of course, in consultation with our doctor ( Vaidya)
Abhyangam (Relaxation session) Duration-45mts.
It improves the blood circulation, tones up skin
and muscle, it delays degeneration of tissues and induces overall well
being. It also cures insomnia.
Punarnava (Refreshing session) Duration-45mts.
This is an innovative form of Abhyangam.
Here apart from the experience of skin (touch) by gentle abhyangam
using medicated oils, we include pleasant experiences of sense organs
like nose (aroma) tongue (taste) ear (music) eyes (natural scenery).
It is highly beneficial to de-stress one's body and mind. Here relaxation
is provided by the means of all sense organs ( Panchendriya) - eye,
ear, nose, tongue and skin and one will feel fully energized after
Mukha lepam (Ayurvedic face pack) Duration-20-30 mts.
Here ayurvedic creams and powder mixed
with medicinal liquids are applied over the face. It helps to improve
complexion, clears hyper-pigmentation and provides lustre to the face.
Shiro abhyangam (Ayurvedic head massage) Duration-20-30mts.
Nourishing ayurvedic oils are massaged
in the scalp followed by herbal extracts of aloe, hibiscus etc. as
a shampoo. It promotes general well-being of scalp and hair.
Dinacharya (Ayurvedic day care) Duration-1-3 Days.
This is a life style programme as advised
by Ayurveda. One can experience and learn the daily routine that one
has to practise. This includes daily care of sense organs, body care
like oil application, exercise, bath etc along with sessions for relaxing
mind and body. This is also done as preparatory treatments for a person
from a different place environment and habits, as a prelude, so as
to avoid abrupt change in lifestyle.
Jeevanam (Ayur lifestyle programme) Duration-7 Days.
This programme is like the routine maintenance of a machine and
aims at correction of wear and tear of the body. Apart from the Dinacharya
there will be concurrent usage of detoxifying medicines and rasayana
drugs or any treatment procedure if required. This programme is highly
beneficial for improving vitality of all systems of body and ideally
suitable for a person who cannot stay long to undergo prime programmes
of Ayurvedic treatment.
Satwik' (chaste) Ayurvedic food is an essential part
of the last two programmes. |
TREATMENT Chikitsa (Curative
programmes) Duration: 14 days onwards
This is a curative application of Ayurveda. This includes Pancha
karmam and various types of Keralite methods of treatments like Pizhichil,
Navarakkizhi, Dhara, Elakkizhi etc. Kadavu has specialists in the treatment
of Arthritis, Paralysis, Gastric disorders, Cervical Spondylosis, Low
backache, Sinusitis, Gynaecological problems, Migrane, Old age problems,
Allergy, Degenerative disorders etc. Lamghanam (Anti-Obesity programme)
Duration: 14-28 Days
This is the programme of internal and
external medication for shedding the extra kilos
Vatatapika Rasayanam (Rejuvenative programme) Duration:
14-28 Days
This programme is the internal usage
of Rasayana and other required medicines after necessary body purification.
This improves the immunal function of a person.
Mana Prasadam (Anti-stress programme) Duration: 14-28 Days
Aims at alleviation of stress and allied
Yoga and Dhyanam
Both are essential during the treatment.
Anybody interested can practice yoga at our centre. We have a full-fledged
centre devoted for yoga. |